Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on
by ttdtt in
Village Idiot
Don't toss them, just give them away to someone who can use them.
PS: Don't bother with eBay, they're not really old books - late 1800s - that can fetch you a modest amount of money.
Village Idiot
Doubtfully Yours:
I love comedy, and if The Donald becomes the leader of this already great nation it'll be awesome to unfold from a comedic standpoint.
You must mean a tragicomedy.
Rogue Bro. exposing TTATT, becomes a huge hit in Japan. It boasts nearly 300,000 access each month
by nakanozzi ina japanese bro.
in good standing in his congregation, exposing ttatt in his blog, boasts nearly 300,000 access per month.. he is nearly unstoppable.. shou-tan blog.
Village Idiot
(((((((((((((((((Ughhh!)))))))))))))))))) -
Why are witnesses all so highly stressed?
by stuckinarut2 inwitnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
Village Idiot
You're not quite an introvert with the way you're talking.
Watchtower myth: God’s will discerned through committees, not individual leaders
by Londo111 inbe it the governing body, or the a judicial committee of the local elder body, when a two-thirds majority vote is reached, it is viewed as god’s will, as the action of holy spirit, of jesus nudging the stars in his right hand.
[and if i’m not mistaken, the minority is encouraged to change their vote, so that is “unanimous”.
anthony morris alluded to this when he unsuccessfully tried to explain why the governing body is not dogmatic.
Village Idiot
It was his abstention from voting on many issues that got Raymond Franz in trouble. Another member of the Governing Body was actually counting the number of times that he had abstained and started Franz's witch-hunt trial on that basis. -
Evolution is a Fact #36 - Mass Extinctions
by cofty in250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
Village Idiot
Makes me wonder what global warming will do throughout this century. -
Trump or Contested Convention?
by Coded Logic infor those of us who are hillary and bernie fans, which is the better outcome - to have donald trump as the republican's nomination whose unpopular with most americans?
or are we better off watching the chaos of a contested convention and the party eventually putting up someone weak like john kasic or jeb bush?
Village Idiot
This website is infamous for its correct predictions of the political world. They say that at this point it is certain that the Republican Party will have a contested convention. Trump would have to win the remaining states by a larger margin than he's been winning so far. This would be critical with "winner takes all" states.
As for those who support Democrats it would be wiser to have Trump as the Republican presidential candidate because he would be certain to lose against Hillary. With Ted Cruz, a run against Hillary might be closer and perhaps he might win if she gets more bad publicity.
With Kasich, Hillary would get a run for her money since he is perceived to be more "moderate".
Armageddon comes and you have 5 minutes with Jesus
by pleaseresearch inso the big a comes, your third in line to be judged by jesus.
he wants to know why you left the organisation.
he also wants to know why jws remained with the org.
Village Idiot
I would tell him that I have made many sins but his Father has made many more.